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Quasa Digitalization Public Sector

The e-government agenda in most EAC member countries in general and Burundi, in particular, would benefit from clearer leadership and strategic direction. In the case of Burundi, the country presents a certain weakness because it currently has neither a strategy, nor a global roadmap, an enterprise architecture nor an interoperability plan for e-government, which could support the movement towards a more integrated and strategic approach to e-government.
This lack leads to the deployment of a few disparate systems with little provision for interoperability and common standards.
Sector ministries tend to implement projects independently but often lack the technical expertise required to do so. This results in a proliferation of e-government systems that are incompatible in terms of framework design, hardware, software, and interfaces used, relying on non-standardized data formats, etc. Shared elements and common processes are therefore not established during the design phase, making it more difficult to resolve interoperability issues downstream.

Quasa Solutions Group SPRL understood the weaknesses of the EAC Governments in general and that of Burundi in particular. Its objective is to provide its expertise in the areas:


  • Public Finances: Managing the public budget using the Program Budget approach requires an automated and integrated public finance management system. This system must include integrated public revenue management modules, but also modules participating in the backbone of the expenditure chain from the public procurement process. These include, among others, modules for (i) electronic declaration and electronic payment of taxes, (ii) registration of taxpayers, (iii) management of liability, (iv) management of recovery and reminders, (v) performance management of tax revenue collection, (vi) management of the expenditure chain, (vii) digitalization of public procurement, (viii) digitalization of insurance company management processes, etc.

  • Education: The Education Management Information System (EMIS) was implemented with observed limits to the production of relatively reliable reports. It is planned that each school will receive a unique identification code, which will facilitate the monitoring of performance at the level of each school on the basis of a coding protocol with the participation of Quasa Solutions Group SPRL in the associated projects. It is also planned that schools will be geolocated, which will allow the use of GIS-based analyses. Quasa Solutions Group has proven skills in this area. In a secure space, the student and faculty will be able to consult online all information about their education (My university course, My education, My schedule, My transcript, My documentation, My student/tuition card)

  • Public health: The health system in Burundi uses DHIS 2 which is a web-based and open-source health information system that also supports the use of geographic information systems (GIS), graphs, and pivot tables. Quasa Solutions Group may consider interventions on the tool to improve performance.

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6J, Gallérie Coeur D'Afrique, Avenue des Paysans, Rohero ll, Bujumbura Burundi
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